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How I Changed My Life Around!
Submitted by: Happiest person on earth!
UniverseI am the happiest I’ve ever been!
I love The Secret! It was my first encounter with the law of attraction and I am forever grateful for it!
My story is long but I hope it helps the people reading it! It started 13 years ago; I broke up with a guy after years of him cheating on me. During the years that followed, I was never able to maintain a healthy relationship because I was constantly living in fear.
When I was 30 I met a guy at work who became my best friend. After 2 years he told me he was in love with me. I didn’t like him in this way, only as a friend. However, after a while, I realized that I was looking for love but that my true love was right before me.
The relationship ended soon after. When we were friends, I trusted him by 1000%. When we had a relationship, I trusted him zero. I was afraid I was not good enough again, damn it! 32 years old and still the same pattern and problems. I was no good to him, always questioning whether he was faithful or not. He broke up with me because he thought that we were not compatible after all.
I went into depression for months. I wasted almost a whole year of feeling the loss of my best friend and lover. It was so crazy because I went to talk to various mediums, and some told me we were getting back together, and some said we were not. I was only paying attention to the ones that said we were not and that made feel so sad and anxious. How desperate was I to go to mediums? Then one day, I realized my pattern; I always predicted or expected the same outcome. My thoughts were constantly; I am not pretty, I am not good enough, I will never find a nice relationship, etc. I was living in constant fear. I was waiting for something to change my life around or even more terrible, waiting for the worst possible scenarios to unfold. Finally, I had to try something different than what I had been doing for all these years.
I decided to see this as a chance to change my life around. First, I set my goals and intentions:
– I wanted to be a secure happy vibrant and beautiful woman.
– I wanted to be in a safe, loving, and healthy relationship with a man who was also my best friend.
– I wanted my relationship with my family to improve.
– I wanted to meet a new girlfriend with whom I could discuss everything and who I could trust.
– I wanted to become healthy and fit; drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, have a nice and toned body.
– I wanted to keep looking young, pretty, and cute.
– I wanted to become a mom.
– I wanted to start my online business that would be profitable and find an investor to finance my plan.
How was I going to reach these goals? First, I had to redirect my thoughts and actions. I had to think out of the box and shake things up a little bit. I started to apply the following LOA principles:
– Live in the End. (by Neville Goddard)
– Predict your future. (by dr Joe Dispenza)
– Scripting.
– Focus on loving myself.
I had to take my power and control back. I was in charge and not a medium or someone else outside of me. I can decide and create my reality and future. I am in charge of my life.
I made a story on how my life was going to be as if it had already happened. I did this before but never stuck to it. I decided to stick to my story this time and didn’t let anything get in my way.
I focused on loving myself and this one is key in the process. If you switch from looking for happiness outside of yourself to finding it within, that is when the miracles start to happen. Daily affirmations on loving myself worked wonders.
So, it went like this. The first days were a bit on and off. From being super excited and jumping for joy to sometimes having doubts again. My mind was protesting to the new ideas.
After the first week, it became easier to live in the end state. I started to get my first positive results:
People being friendly to me on the streets, getting some compliments, family noticing my more positive attitude.
I started working out daily and saw results on my body. This made me feel strong and more confident. I got a new hair color which was super cute and looked amazing.
Furthermore, I was nicer, easier, more at ease with myself. I was impressed by my own mind.
Someone wanted to finance my online business! I had a plan for an online business for quite some time, but it didn’t take off since I didn’t have the financial resources. I was so magical, and people wanted to be around me and loved me so much and I loved them right back. Changing your thoughts works like magic.
Then, out of the blue, my ex contacted me after we had not spoken for some time, to ask me how I was doing. I told him that I was great. He told me he did not contact me because he wanted to work on improving himself first and that he missed us watching movies together. I did not think much of it and continued my life positively. A week later he contacted me again and asked if we could meet because he wanted to tell me some things. I agreed because I was no longer afraid of the outcome. I was OK with any result because I knew the Universe delivers what is best for me, always.
We met at my place. He told me he bought a house near his parents. He was happy there and he figured out his feelings regarding our relationship. He told me he missed me a lot and realized he loved me, and he could not let that in before. He showed me pictures of the house and the interior looked a lot like my taste. He said he wanted to make the house to my taste because his plan was to live there with me. After that day, we had a relationship again. I moved in with him and our relationship has been a blast ever since. We can discuss anything together; we are much more mature and when we have issues, we discuss them with respect and solve them together. We are also expecting our first baby boy. I know we will grow old, grey, and happy together and it was all worth the wait, the time apart was the thing we needed to realize that we are soulmates.
My online business is a success and I am making a very good living from it.
And, I also met a very good girlfriend and we can discuss everything together. I am super thankful for that.
Thank you so much, Universe. My heart is filled with love, gratitude, and happiness. Thank you, thank you, thank you!