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He Came Back And Now Permanently.
Submitted by: KK11
Bangalore, IndiaA believer, filled with utmost gratitude.
To begin with, thank you to the Universe, thank you to Rhonda and thank you to the entire team of The Secret. I am finally writing here to share my success story of manifesting the man I wanted to marry.
We were both abroad pursuing our master’s degrees. We met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off well that night. He happens to also be from Bangalore and that made it feel like home. After the party, we got busy with our own work and did not contact each other again for about 2 months when one day he suddenly sent me a DM. That was the beginning of our friendship. We would speak every day and we met very often. Those were one of the best days and I was the happiest person in the world. We both found jobs around the same time and everything was smooth.
He did not really like his job and told me he wanted to move back to Bangalore. I was shattered because I did not have plans to move any time soon, only later. This was where the fear and insecurity of losing him crept into me. All of a sudden started being clingy, desperate, dramatic, and everything else he did not like. When he met his other friends I would feel bad that he was not meeting with me instead. That was one of the worst things to do and it was something that I had never done before. He obviously did not like this and distanced himself completely. I was so devasted and depressed for a very long time. I begged him almost every day to come back to me but he was adamant.
Then I heard about the LOA and The Secret from a colleague. I immediately bought the e-book and I loved it. I realized how I had attracted everything that I did not want and I was determined to change my life. I got addicted to being grateful for what I had and especially grateful for having met the man I loved. I kept saying to the Universe, thank you for bringing us back together, I am forever grateful.
We had not been in touch and I had heard that he had quit his job and was going to move back to Bangalore. Even after learning this I still said and believed what I wanted, that he would be mine again.
Then, just the day before he was leaving, he called me and told me how much he had missed me and that he wanted to take things further and marry me! I was so, so, so, so happy and feeling on top of the world! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The time apart made a huge difference for him I guess but the key here is to believe no matter what! Do not give up because the LOA works. Visualize and let go, the Universe has your back.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, gratitude all the way!