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Gratitude Changed My Life!
Submitted by: Jim Walsh Ireland
Kazakhstan, Ireland and World travellerI was always broke, until I read The Secret.
I was always broke. Every time I got just a little saved up, some new unexpected bill would show up to knock me back into the red again. Stuff used to be so expensive!
Then I saw The Secret.
It did not make me a millionaire. It made me even richer! It made me happy in every moment I live. That’s truly priceless. Here’s how:
I now stop for just a split second and in my thoughts, I am grateful for the work about 40 people contributed just so that I can enjoy a single cup of tea including:
– The farmer who planted the seed
– The design guy who designed his tools
– The marketing guy who sold the tools to the farmers coop
– The people who worked in the factory making the tools
– The people in the coop
– The people who work in the water works so that the farmer can water the tea plant
The more I think about it, the interconnected list goes on and on. In fact, it’s not 40 but more like 400 people who, through their work, in some way, contributed towards me enjoying the simple pleasure of a cup of tea.
Here’s thanks to the 60 or so people who worked in some way to get me the shirt on my back. Make that 600 people! Thank you all for my shirt.
I used to think everything was so expensive, no wonder I was broke all the time. Now I realize how many people are involved to give me the simple pleasures of what I eat, drink and what I wear, the home I live in, my means of transportation, my healthcare, my education, even the bloody oops, let’s rephrase that to even the blessed banks who enable payment for it all.
So many people contribute to make my life wonderful and I now know in fact everything is really, really, cheap and I have the feeling of being a multimillionaire as a result.
That’s the Secret to real wealth!