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Gratitude And Joy Is The Key
Submitted by: Michelle B.
Denver, COI am simply a woman who was going nowhere until I found The Secret, or, should I say, The Secret found me.
I just want to give my utmost thanks to Rhonda Byrne and her entire team for bringing The Secret to so many, including myself.
When I first read The Secret, I loved everything about it, and tried to put it into practice, but soon realized that I was trying to live it through face-value only. At the time, I tried to be positive, but the positivity felt, for lack of a better word, faked.
It wasn’t until over two years later, after coming back to Denver, in the most unexpected and unusual way, that I realized my power is in my happiness and gratitude.
When I started to really experience gratitude, the joy followed, then the Universe just seemed to open up, and all of my blessings started to manifest. Things and events trickled in at first, but now it seems that anytime I desire a situation or anything at all, it just happens, faster and faster than before.
So far I have been able to have my own place with my wonderful son. His dad and I get along impeccably, and unexpected checks and other goodies just keep coming in. All I have to do is think of something, and it happens. It’s incredible.
When I, or anyone, truly want to see how incredible life can be, gratitude is a great place to start. When you are grateful for what you have, more always comes to multiply it.
I have never felt better in my life, physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially.
Thank you!!