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Got My Best Friend Back.
Submitted by: S 🥳
UKDreamer. Achiever.
I am a believer in The Secret and the law of attraction. I really do believe in the power of the Universe.
I had a major fight with my best friend from college even though she had always been my biggest supporter. I was going through some emotional turmoil and I missed her but because of this major fight, I did not know how to contact her.
So having trust in the Universe, I let it go completely. I did not think that I needed her because like The Secret says, you have to emit the feelings of having it now. So I did just that. Instead of sulking, I started being happy and kept myself really busy.
And out of nowhere, on a day I was missing her in the evening, that same night she texted me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much for The Secret.