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Gifts You Can & Will Receive
Submitted by: james douglas johnson
Cabot, ARKANSASRealEstate agent for RE/MAX Affiliates Realty. Little Rock AR.
Yes I’ve been a student of The Secret since September 2005. Has my life really changed since then? That’s for sure! Did I get what I really wanted? Of course I did, and I always will, for The Secret really does work every day.
Do you show gratitude to others every day, did you get the car you wanted, the computer you needed?
Do you have the love of your life in a very romantic relationship? Did you get the job or money coming in daily? Do you feel happy every day? Are you of service to others or a disservice to others? And do you pray daily & give thanks for your health & wellness?
I would like to thank you Rhonda. It gets so much better every day. You know I cracked the first dvd, but someone gave me another. Besides that also the power of intention gave me the wonderful book also.
Rhonda you’re a wonderful lady… I do feel very thankful for what you did in my life every day. Thank you for The Secret for the rest of the world. >>>>JJ