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Gift of a Lifetime
Submitted by: Kellie
Bonsall, CaliforniaMother of two wonderful kids with a life blessed beyond what I ever imagined it could be!!!!
My aunt shared “The Secret” with me almost exactly a year ago, in March of 2007. The title of my story relates to the gift she gave me by sharing with me her new found “Secret”. It is something that I will be using for the rest of my life!!!
At the time I was introduced to The Secret, I was going through one of the darkest times in my life. I had just ended a 15 year marriage to my high school sweetheart, and was beyond devastation. I was in the process of trying to find somewhere to move out to. I wanted to move to Bonsall, which was the city I worked in and where my kids went to school, so that I no longer had to commute. I had been looking for about 2 months, but could not find what I needed, or what was in my price range. I was just about to give up and start to look elsewhere when I was introduced to The Secret.
At this point in my life, being positive and happy was something that I had long forgotten how to do. It seemed for the past two years, my life had only continued to do nothing but fall apart. And I now know WHY!!!! If only I had known the Secret back then!!! After reading the book and seeing the video, I was SO inspired that I just flat out refused to continue the life of negativity and unhappiness anymore!!!
The first thing I needed to do was find a new home. Every single day for about two weeks, I would day dream and imagine what my new home would look like. I was very, very specific in exactly what I wanted, to include a washer and dryer to be upstairs, the colors of the walls, where in Bonsall I wanted to live, and what I wanted to pay in rent. I even wrote down my specifications in a journal I started keeping. I went out and started buying everything that I was going to need for my new home, even though I had no idea when I was going to actually find something. I just KNEW in my heart that what I was asking for was going to be given to me.
About two weeks later, a friend called me to see how I was doing and asked if I had found somewhere yet to move to. I told him not yet, but that I was still looking. He suggested a website to me that I had never heard of, but said that he used the website to find the house where his X and kids are currently living in the next city over from Bonsall. I checked it out and THAT DAY, a house in Bonsall was posted for rent. It was in my price range and had exactly what I was looking for. I called and set up an appointment for the next day with the owner to check it out. I almost passed out when I stepped inside!!! It was EXACTLY what I was picturing in my mind!! Every single detail I wanted was there!!! The dishes I had bought a week earlier matched the kitchen decor as if I bought the dishes to go with that exact kitchen. The pictures and decorations I had also purchased, I swear, you would have thought I bought them all AFTER moving in to match with the house. I filled out the credit application and two days later, the owner called me with the approval to move in!!! I knew at that very moment that I had just found the key that would change my life forever!!
At the time, I was only working part time. I knew that after I moved out that I was going to have to go back to work full time. I didn’t want that. I pictured my work hours and work schedule remaining the same and looked in the mirror and told myself every day for months, “You are so lucky that you can work only part time and still have all your needs met.” It’s been a year now, and I still only have to work part time!! It seems that every time an unexpected debit comes my way, unexpected money shortly follows to cover it. Every time I’m in need of something, somehow, someway, what I need is taken care of and provided to me.
There are SO many other spectacular things that have come to me through practicing The Secret, that I would need my own Blog on this website to list and talk about all of them. Everything in my life has changed for the better. I use to think I was a happy and content person, but never knew until now how wrong I was. I have now learned to love myself in a way I never knew possible and I NOW know what true happiness really is. I have never been happier or more blessed in my entire life!! I live every day with total gratitude and respect for this wonderful and abundant Universe. I know my life has only now begun, and there is nothing but happy days ahead for me!!!