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Getting My Drivers Licence!
Submitted by: Teja M.
Ljubljana, SLO18 year old new driver.
I’ve been using The Secret for a few years now. I could use it more often, sometimes I forget it, but I always use it with the most important events.
Everything is easier with a car, so I decided to get my driver license as soon as possible. I’ve been learning how to drive with my instructor for a month. Then we stopped for a whole month because he didn’t have time. It is not good if you stop for such a long period when you are still learning. In the mean time he got the date for my driving exam and he told me this two weeks before that important day! We were practicing driving before the exam, but two days before the great day, it started snowing and I wasn’t used to this kind of weather.
I was a bit worried about the weather. But luckily I had been grateful for my driving license test since the day I found out the date and I was also always sure that I would pass my exam. I even had written that I am very grateful for my driving license on the background of my computer and some other places, and I saw it several times per day. Every night and day I was visualizing me passing the exam, feeling that enormous joy.
On the great day I was surprisingly relaxed. I had my exam at 9 o’clock. It was slightly raining till 9 o’clock. But exactly at 9 a.m. it started raining and also snowing very much. Then I even got assigned the strictest assessor. I stayed calm.
And guess what??
I passed my exam!
I was so happy and grateful! And now I can go anywhere on my own! 🙂
Be grateful and enjoy your life. 😉