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From Homeless To France
Submitted by: Beverly A.
Paris, FranceI'm an American writer living my dream.
I’ve been using The Secret for the past two years now; but I just achieved something that is absolutely the biggest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.
Three months ago, I had run out of money and had to leave my apartment and move in with a friend. The day before I lost my boyfriend, and my clients were refusing to pay me the money they owed. I felt that it was time to move on and that I was holding onto things – my apartment, my boyfriend, and my troublesome clients – out of fear.
For five years I had been wanting to live in France. I even had images of France in my “dream book.” But I always had an excuse as to why I couldn’t go. But after “losing” everything I no longer had any excuses, so I just put it in my mind that I was moving to France. I picked a date and began to prepare.
I sold all of my personal belongings and put the remainder in storage. Mind you, I didn’t have any money at the time. When I checked for flights to Paris they were well over $1000. But that didn’t stop me. I was determined to only focus on what I wanted. I began telling people that I was moving to France. I began looking for apartments and continued to visualize myself in France.
Then, less than one month later, I was able to get a discounted ticket ($480) from a friend of a friend who worked at the airline. I still hadn’t found an apartment and everything seemed so expensive. By this time I had replaced my problem clients with clients who were paying me better and on time with no hassles. The biggest hurdle was finding an affordable place to live in Paris. My friends kept saying “You don’t have a place! Are you still going?” I said “I’m going to France no matter what!” Then I ended up having more financial problems. I didn’t let that faze me. My friends said, “You’re still going?” I said, “Of course! Nothing will stop me!” I fixed the financial issue within 48 hours, simply because I believed I could and then I took action.
Three weeks before I was to leave for France a friend of a friend of a friend rented an apartment in Paris to me for very little money. And voila! I’m here. The Secret works! And I ain’t done yet. I have more adventures to experience here in Paris. With The Secret by my side, I know I can do anything.