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Submitted by: Gram
CanadaI’m the proud grandma of our sweet 5 year old grandson.
Yesterday we attended a local apple festival where our daughter, son-in-law and grandson live. Our grandson was to take part in the parade with his classmates. As we leaving our daughter’s home I noticed our grandson had his best stuffy, “Fred”, with him.
Now “Fred” is very special. I bought him before our grandson was born five years ago and our grandson bonded with “Fred” right from the beginning. “Fred” has been through a lot and is always there at nap time and definitely at bedtime. “Fred” went with us to the festivities and spent time with Poppa while our grandson was in the parade. After the parade our grandson took “Fred” and we headed back to the main street. We ran some errands and after some time, headed back to our daughter’s home. When we got there our grandson asked for “Fred”. We all looked surprised and said, but you had him last.
After much discussion, we realized our grandson must have unwittingly dropped “Fred” when he took hold of an umbrella during a rainstorm. My husband and daughter went back and retraced our footsteps but to no avail. No “Fred”.
When we arrived home later in the evening I asked the Universe to find “Fred” for us. Today I wrote an email to the person who found “Fred”, even though at that point, I didn’t know if he had been found or not. I thanked them and told them how much it meant to all of us that “Fred” had been found and what a special part he is in our grandson’s life.
Within an hour, my daughter messaged me that “Fred” had been found! She had posted a picture of him on Facebook and people had shared her post. I have never been so happy or grateful for anything in my life. To see the smile on our grandson’s face was so amazing!
I have always believed in The Secret and have asked for things in the past but have not followed through with action. After today, and seeing that after asking and believing, we received the best outcome ever, I know The Secret works.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.