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Focus On The End Result.
Submitted by: Katsia
New YorkI am a jovial person.
I am super excited as my life is about to get amazing! So I came across The Secret online while browsing but couldn’t afford to get myself a copy. My life was just so depressing at the time and I was completely lost. Anyways, since I couldn’t get a copy of The Secret I decided to do The Magic because the 28 days of the exercises was free online. At the time I was unemployed and was prescribed glasses which I couldn’t afford.
Long story short, I did the 28 day exercises and started to receive small and large blessings every day. I was finally able to get a job. It was not my dream job but I’m still grateful because it was a start.
My Optician at the time charged so much for my prescribed glasses and so one day, while visualising myself with my beautiful pair of glasses, I had an idea. And the idea was to switch to another Optician and so I did just that and you wouldn’t believe it. I was able to get two amazing quality pairs of glasses for less than what I was going to be charged for one pair at my previous Optician. And the most amazing thing was that the Optician to which I switched to, owned a copy of The Secret and he also loaned it to me! OMG! OMG! I am a believer!
I stayed focus on the end results always visualizing myself with a pair of spectacular glasses. I Googled women with dreadlocks and glasses and visualised myself with the help of those images. And within three weeks of switching Opticians I was able to get and pay off my glasses. I am currently reading The Secret. I would love to own a copy and I am currently working to manifest a few things so I will be writing again very soon..
It really works everyone. Just focus on the end results. I won’t wish you luck because just by knowing The Secret you are beyond lucky.