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First Gift through The Secret .
Submitted by: Vincent Yohannan
Burlington, ONIt was after I lost my Job in Feb 07, that I came to know about the Secret though a link I got from the internet. I immediately looked up the site and then also watched the movie online. I was so taken back, and realised that I knew about this, but was unaware of the way to use it. I started to realise all the things that I received through prayer, especially prayers of St Jude, where you mention your intention and pray for it 9 times daily for 9 days. I never kept track of the days, but kept saying the prayers till I received what I had asked for. This was also part of The Secret, I now realise.
I was looking for jobs everywhere and I got jobs through agencies, but was not permanent, so then I asked the universe that I wanted a permanent place to work. And within 2 weeks of me asking, I got a job with a company, and there is work there for as long as I want to work and maybe they can hire me full time also. So yes, The Secret does work and I have asked for other things too, which I will share as I get it all, which I am sure is on its way.