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Financial Miracle!!!
Submitted by: Cara
New York, NYVery appreciative of having discovered The Secret and optimistic about making this the best year of my life!
Initially, I would like to thank Rhonda Byrne for sharing The Secret with the world; it would be wonderful to have the opportunity to express my gratitude to her directly one day!
I have been very fortunate to have received several positive changes in my life as a result of implementing the principles in The Secret, including two vacations which I have posted about in the past. Additionally, I’ve recently experienced a major increase in financial success and wanted to share the story in the hope that it may help someone else achieve great results.
I absolutely love my apartment, and when the rent increased this year, I felt compelled to renew the lease anyway. I became a little bit worried about how to make extra income in order to offset the higher rent, but I quickly transitioned to releasing the situation and trusting that God would take care of me.
To my complete surprise, after a day of worrying, followed by just one week of believing and having faith in God, my mom offered to help me out financially by giving me $5,000.00 because she had been impressed by the effort I was putting into my career.
Out of no way a way will be made!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!