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Submitted by: Morgan Richie
Jersey ShoreA junior high school student who fell absolutely in love with everything life has to offer.
Before I ever came across The Secret, I always had those dreams that I could imagine what would happen. I loved day dreaming and just make-believing that everything I wanted in life was mine. I just did it for that time and that was it, never ever in my wildest dreams would I ever think they would come true. I didn’t want to believe they would happen because I was afraid of disappointment.
So after really studying and believing in the law of attraction, I started to plan out how I wanted the rest of my life to turn out. And I believed. I was not worried of not having them come true. I did want to somehow come across money, a big amount. And I did! So I purchased a Range Rover, the one I always believed I would get. Before this, my friends would ask me what am I going to do for a car, and I would just reply, I don’t know… I just wasn’t worried about it at all. I knew I would get that car.
I got all the clothes I wanted, I love to shop! I go out with my friends all the time, and love school. I am myself every day. I love who I am! I have the body that I used to have and the greatest boyfriend I always dreamt of.
Life is absolutely wonderful if you just believe that everything will unfold for you. You must believe that there is something out there for you, and whatever you dream of can come true. All you have to do is not be afraid of disappointment. You must not be scared of it not happening.
Thank you so much Rhonda and everyone else in the movie and book.