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Fake to Real
Submitted by: Chrischon Ellis
Stone Mountain, GAI am a mother of four beautiful young ladies and a wife to a very sexy and kind man. I am so very blessed!!!
My older brother gave me The Secret DVD and told me it would change my life. After I watched it, I was so inspired that I made my husband; my eldest and my youngest daughter watch it. I wanted my whole family to be opened to The Secret.
On February 3rd I took the idea about visualizing what I wanted and cut a small piece of paper that had a picture of money on it and tape it on my wall. Then I put the amount of money I want to have underneath it. The next day my fake money increased because a bigger picture of money came in the mail. So I cut it out and put it around my smaller print. I was so amazed at how quickly I attracted fake money that I told my husband and he gave me a real dollar to put on my cut out.
Now my husband has received a raise on his job, I will be going into the studio soon to make a CD which will generate more income and I’ve just been asked to write songs for a recording artist.
The Secret really works!!!! I’m telling everyone I know it can help. Thanks!