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Submitted by: Rhonda
FloridaAssistant HR Manager, mother of two beautiful girls, part time reiki practitioner, at my perfect weight of 127 pounds, have an amazing family practitioner, enjoy a wonderful social life, and have more than enough money for everything I need!
I started working with The Secret about three years ago and was elated from the very first moment! It has truly done magical things for me. I wrote a check for $20,000 about 18 months ago and forgot all about it – then last year I was offered a transfer that included a $20,000 bonus plus moving expenses!!
I always wanted to live near the ocean and this job and where I live is 10 minutes from the ocean! WOO HOO!! Sometimes it doesn’t hit you right away that The Secret worked until you sit back and and all of a sudden have an ah ha moment! What a wonderful feeling! I think of this feeling when I start to let those negative thoughts into my head and poof they disappear! Now my focus is on finding a wonderful man to spend the rest of my life with 😉 I know like I know like I know that he is on his way to me…
Thank you Rhonda – you are quite the inspiration!!