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Expected Miracle
Submitted by: karan
mumbai,indiaI am a 23 year old actor.
Hi guys, I am an actor and would love to share my story with you.
I have been looking for work and certain roles to perform as an actor in films, but I was getting no opportunities at all. I was a bit frustrated and was wondering whether if I should settle for less.
Then in May 1st week, my angels guided me towards a certain affirmation which lead me towards surrendering myself to my higher self, have faith on myself and being grateful.
I started being all of the above, trying my best to live in the present, expecting miracles each and every moment.
In the process I stumbled upon The Secret book. It intrigued and cemented my beliefs on law of attraction.
On 24th of August as I was about to finish the book, I just hoped and wished that as I understand and apply The Secret more, may I achieve all my goals, including getting big banner main lead roles in films.
The next morning a miracle struck!
I was called by the producer of a film I had auditioned for 4 months back. He was asking me to come to his office immediately. I was told there, that I had been selected for the prestigious role! It was out of the blue, but, also expected!
Thank you!