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Exactly What I Wanted!
Submitted by: Swathi
Telangana ,gdkBeliever in LOA. I completed post graduation.
I am a 20 year old girl from Telangana. I read The Secret stories from The Secret website each day. Today I also read The Secret stories but before I did, I had a thought and then I made a request to the Universe in my mind. I asked the Universe to see 3 stories in a row, all from India. When I wnt to The Secret website I started to read the stories. The first one was from India, then the second one, too and the third one was also from Indi! The fourth story was from the USA. It was amazing! I got exactly what I had asked for, no more or less!
Thank you to Rhonda and The Secret team. I would also recommended the book The Power Of The Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!