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Everything on my vision board has arrived!
Submitted by: Carole Spirit
Manchester, EnglandI'm a graphic designer with a very vivid imagination. People have said to me in the past that it's so vivid it must be a handicap sometimes.
The first thing to arrive was my reconnection with my family. We had an awful row a long time ago. As a result I had not spoken to my sister or daughter for several months.
I pinned up a joyful picture of a mum swinging a child around like I used to and imagined it was me and my daughter. The day after I got a text from my sister saying that her dog was dying – she would be taking him to the vet within the hour and I was welcome to say bye, bye. I drove straight round to see her……. and so did her daughter and my daughter. We all gave each other hugs and in tears said how much we had missed each other. By the end of the day my daughter was making silly jokes to cheer my sister up and we were all laughing together. I sat there looking at this room full of the family I love and knew the secret had brought them back to me.
The next thing was a relationship. I ended my relationship of five years within hours of watching The Secret for the first time, with no drama. As soon as I allowed myself a vision of what I truly want, what I didn’t want just fell away. On my vision board are lots of pictures of loving relationships, but alongside them I’ve pinned images of where I want to go with my new partner. It includes Fiji, Chesapeake Bay and Barbados. The house in Barbados has a glorious view over the ocean, and is on an estate called Westmoreland.
Within days a client of mine arrived at my office and during our girly chat said she’d been on a date with a man. She didn’t like him but she thought I would. She gave me his number at work and I phoned him. After chatting for a few minutes he asked me was I married. I said no. He invited me to dinner the following night. I waited in the foyer of the restaurant and when he arrived I was delighted. We talked and talked. He said he is a member of a golf club in Barbados and would like to retire and live there. We spent the whole weekend together and I’m seeing him again in a few days.
I also got an email from a dating agency I joined years ago. I didn’t know it, but my membership was still running even though I haven’t paid the subscription for years. The email said someone was trying to contact me. I looked and it was a man saying he would like to meet me. I sent him my mobile number. During our chat I said I want to retire and live in Barbados in a house called ‘Crossbow’ on the Westmoreland estate. He said his best friend has a house on the Westmoreland estate and is always asking him to buy one. We’re meeting this evening for dinner.
I sat down in front of my vision board and added a dimension I want in my partner. I want him to be spiritual and able to understand and practice The Secret.
Last night I went to an NLP seminar and we were invited to share a process with someone we’d never met before. A man chose me. We talked excitedly for longer than the few minutes we were alloted. He gave me his email address and said he wanted to know me better. I asked what he did. He said he’s a shaman.
I saw a picture in a magazine of a climbing wall and thought ‘I’d like to talk to Jim again.’ He’s a man I met only a few times but wanted to take me climbing. I’ve not heard from him in over a year. He rang me yesterday…………
How much more can I tell you? This is dazzling.