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Dream Came True.
Submitted by: AS
IndiaA loving child of the universe who believes that self-love is the key to creating anything.
I went to a private law college in my country and finding internships when you go to a private college can be tricky. I was a little nervous which is why I had not started applying earlier. But then I realized that I needed to have faith in my abilities, and in myself because I am as good as any other student from a top tier college. I had to be confident in myself.
Luckily, I received an internship offer from all the places I had applied to! Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is very rare even for the best candidates.
Yes, the law of attraction and The Secret do work. You just need to have faith in yourself and have faith in the Universe. Each time that I look at myself in the mirror, I tell myself how much I love myself, and then I shower myself with blessings. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much and thank you so much for The Secret.