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Count your Blessings, Then They Multiply!
Submitted by: Sherry
GuamI am 34 years old, and work in sales and marketing at a local hotel. I have a boyfriend I adore, and a puppy that I love to pieces.
I have been using The Secret my whole life, and just like every other story you have read, didn’t know I was harnessing the powers of The Secret, until watching the DVD.
I grew up as an abused child. Childhood was dreadful, and often as a teenager I often thought of running away, and living far away on a small deserted tropical island, where it was summer all year round. As a child, I cherished the summers, as it seemed to be my only source of happiness. Turned out some time ago, I had a distant aunt who invited me to Guam (where I currently reside now) and I have been here ever since. I don’t know if I will ever move from here, since its been almost sixteen years ago when I arrived.
Just recently, living on Guam, I encountered a time of hardship. I was a realtor trying to survive the most recent ressession, and I was broke, broke, broke. I began day dreaming of a new car, being rent free, and having a salary paying job, with a pet that I love, and living with the boyfriend that I love! Guess what? A year later after those requests to the universe, I have exactly what I wished for and more. I do not know what it is, but it’s amazing and its beautiful, and its saved my soul.