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Competition Wins Just By Doing What I Love!
Submitted by: Kate R
London, United KingdomAn innovation buff who can't wait to see what I achieve.
I have always been interested in competitions. I won a few here and there. But, nothing really happened until I entered competitions that touched my real passions.
About two or three years ago I started entering only writing and innovation competitions and the Universe delivered. I have won:
â¢A car
â¢Two laptops
â¢Two Ipads
â¢A holiday to Japan
â¢A holiday to the Arctic Circle;
â¢Two holidays to the US
â¢A meal at a top restaurant and a tablet; and
â¢A £1,000 shopping spree.
All from doing what I love.
I am well and truly blessed and can’t thank the Universe enough.
Now I am looking into finding a way to make innovation and writing my full time job so I can work for me and do what I love, wherever and whenever I want.
Follow your passions and the Universe delivers!
Thank you Rhonda for telling me about The Secret!