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Submitted by: Martha B.
Miami, FloridaSingle mother with two kids, loving and enjoying life
I just moved into the same complex that I use to live in three years ago. When I first moved in there, I had found a coconut that my dog was playing with. My daughter decided to plant the coconut, and I remember laughing and telling her nothing is going to grow, and if it does, I told her, it would take forever.
Well I moved back into the same complex. On my way in I always see the huge coconut tree that my daughter planted. Every day as I pass by I tell my girls I want a coconut so I can plant it in my new home. This had been going on for over a week.
Well today on my way out I saw two coconuts in the middle of the street. My daughter and I laughed – she pick one up for me and I’m going to plant it in the home I’m renting now, which I have on my vision board as buying soon.