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Calling for someone
Submitted by: Simone A.
Sao Paulo, Brazil24 years old, executive assistant
Three years ago, after some tries, I had the feeling that I was never to find the person I really wanted for me. There was always something missing in the guys I met, or things simply did not work out!
After thinking about that a lot and remembering the way I felt in all the situations, I realized the person really responsible for that was me, because I was always thinking that I would never find this person, that it was impossible. So I just changed my mind. I stopped thinking of the things I did NOT want in someone and I started visualizing this person, his way of living, his mood, his personality, the things we would do together, always laughing a lot and always asking the universe exactly for this person.
When I thought about the person, I felt the good feeling of being with him, I felt the love we had for each other as if it already existed at that moment!
So, a friend of mine called me asking if I wanted do go to a party with her and a friend who came from nowhere – it had been 8 years she did not see him and he just called her. When I met this friend of hers, he brought a friend with him. And, naturally, the moment I looked at him, I knew. I felt that my wish was right in front of me! We talked as though we had known each other for long time. We stayed together since that moment and never got separated anymore! It’s been almost two years and as long as we stay together, we have the feeling that I asked for him and he asked for me (because he was visualizing a person like me before we met and he just had the exactly same feeling as me when he saw me).
I did not know too much about the law of attraction, but I used it and it worked!! When we saw the movie, we said: that’s the answer. It was the law of attraction.
And for sure I will learn and use it more and more in my life.