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Brand new business owner
Submitted by: Robert B
FloridaOptimistic, happy kind of guy.
I originally had discovered The Secret a few years ago and dabbled back and forth on practicing it. Things I wanted came and for some reason I dropped off from using it.
I have been a Hairstylist for 5 years and it has always been my dream to own my own salon. Yet I have always seen this as unobtainable until now… I had been working in the same salon for two years working very hard and not seeing hardly any cash flow as the owner took a great deal of my check along with them never talking to me right and at times being Down right terrible to me.
I was not able to pay my bills and I was miserable going to work everyday. I began to get to the point of not following my passion anymore and settling on a different job where I would not be taken such advantage of and treated so terribly. I was stuck. Until one morning I couldn’t stop thinking of The Secret and how great it had made me feel a few years prior, so I ordered Rhonda’s new book “The Magic” and my life literally transformed.
Within a week of me getting into my new groove I somehow stumbled upon an amazing opportunity to own my own salon, I took the risk, within the next month in opening my new salon, every tiny detail worked out 100% perfect. And just like that in six weeks I was open for business. I am now making in profit to myself quadruple what I was making before and able to afford all of the salons bills. I have attracted the most amazing staff and I owe it all to very simply saying thank you in my head as much as I can for things that I have not only gained but other blessings I had previously looked over in my life.
Thank you thank you so much Rhonda for making me see the light. Your very gratuitous believer, Robert.