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Bits and Bites :)
Submitted by: Angela G.
Portland, ORI am a 37 year old single female living in Portland, Oregon, with my new fabulous puppy, Phoebe. January 14 of last year I left the best job I had ever had in my life. I was paid the highest salary I had ever been paid, I had the luxury of seeing the beautiful mountains from my office on the 13th floor. I had this perfect job for all of three months.
I was selling internet advertising for a very big company you would all know by name. I had been working, mandated, 75 hours a week. The unfortunate part is… I hated selling advertising. I also had a tendency to have a cocktail when I was overwhelmed with stress. Long story short, I was fired for drinking on the job. Ah! How could I have done this to myself? First, I did not believe I deserved to make that much money for a job that I hated, and second, I did not like myself at the time because I was drinking too much. How can I be rewarded when I feel terrible about myself and I do not like or respect this “perfect” job I have?
I was let go that day. I was so relieved. For some reason, being fired from the best job I had ever had gave me relief. I went home and sat. Just sat, staring at my phone, staring at my apartment, my furniture, my art on the wall, my fabulous rug my mother bought me. I just took it all in…. and said to myself, I am grateful for all of this. Thank you for all of this. But I am willing to give it all up to be healthy.
I looked into myself and knew, I would be ok no matter what. I saw my true self for the first time. My true, no fear self. I called my family and said I was on a plane to the east coast for treatment. Funny to them, they did not think I had a problem:)
I returned happy and full of wonder. I love the word “wonder”. I wanted to know the best of me, I wondered If I could find it. They told me AA was the only way, but I feel different. Oh, I forgot to mention… so funny I forget… I was let go but rehired because of policy, and I just happen to have a new disease “for me” that is called palmer pustular psoriasis in my hand and feet. Luckily I was able to be put through treatment and now have some financial freedom because I am now on long term disability. THIS WAS ALL BEFORE I READ THE SECRET!!!!!
I read The Secret this summer only when I was by myself, mostly floating on my lounge chair in my apartment’s pool. Quiet time for me, and believe it or not, always alone (no kids in the pool). Yeah! So blessed for quiet time in the pool. I read The Secret. I loved it so much I bought the CDs, so any time I am in my car I can hear it.
My “Secret” story is small so far, but to me it is huge. When they talked about the feather and to think of something you want, I thought of a quarter. I wanted to find “a” random quarter. Now, most of you might think quarters are easy to come by, randomly. For me, they are not. I never have cash on hand, I always use my debit card. I never have loose change. So I visualized finding a quarter. I thought I would find it in the street, under a tire, in a muddy pool of water. I visualized finding it in this one spot. Out of town at my mother’s. The funny thing is, the law of attraction does not work that way. But it works none the less.
So you must be wondering if I ever found my quarter? Why would you “wonder”? You should know for sure and totally believe I found my quarter. I found my quarter. 🙂 Actually, my quarter found me. 🙂 I was rushing to leave my house for a date and threw in two items of clothing that had no pockets in the dryer to fluff, and as I am racing to grab my clothes, pulling out of the dryer as it is still tumbling… POW! A quarter literally POPS out of my dryer and lands in the palm of my hand. I just stopped and did not move my hand. I looked back at the dryer and thought, could that have just spat that out on its own? I don’t want to think a “dryer” had any power… I knew I finally got the Secret. AND IT WORKS!!!!
Again, it might only be a quarter so far, but I believe. I have Asked, I Believe, and I will Receive.