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Believing In The Unseen.
Submitted by: Kalyani
United StatesA big believer of The Secret.
Thank you so much to The Secret team for putting The Secret in such simple terms so that everyone can understand it.
Let me tell you my story. I had been reading a book in which the author had not revealed the real names of the characters for privacy purposes. This author was practicing meditation and she had mentioned an Ashram where she went to learn from her guru in India. As she was not mentioning the name of any place or character, I was going crazy as I wanted to know where the place was and what was the name of her guru. I got curious and I wished that I could know the names, and then I forgot about it. I did not intentionally think about it, nor did I intentionally forgot it. It would just come to my mind and then leave.
I was going through my social media page where I saw a Satsanga and chanting event. I had been reading that book and I was little disturbed mentally, so I thought that I should go. It might help me get over things. I went there a half hour before the actual session started. I talked to the person who was going to conduct the chanting. While I was talking to her I told her about the book I was reading and to my surprise, she knew about the author and she gave the details about the Ashram and guru!! I was thrilled and fascinated by that!
It didn’t stop there. I am practicing meditation, too. I was wishing that I could get chanting beads so that it will be easy for me to chant and guess what?! I got them at the same place!
Two thing I learned from this experience. How to let go of your thought and you should never hesitate or underestimate your inner feelings. I wish everyone could have this experience in their life and get hold of The Secret because nothing is impossible.