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Believe. Believe 100%.
Submitted by: Simone
EnglandI truly believe in The Secret. My eyes where shut before this.
I have always been a very negative person growing up, with parents who where very negative. In fact, my father used to tell me to think negative because when something positive happens to you, you will appreciate it more. Madness, I know.
Anyway for the last couple of years I had really been struggling to make ends meet. I never had any money to ever treat myself to anything after my pay cheque because all of my money just was going on bill and debts. A friend of mine lent me The Secret DVD and what a wake up call it was. I started to imagine money coming to me all the time and I kept asking the universe to please send some unexpected money to me. About a few months after I was on my way home after work in very heavy traffic. I was waiting at the traffic lights when all of a sudden a car just went in to the back of my car. I was shaken because I had my son with me.
Later, I got on to my insurance company who sent me to be examined by a doctor who said I had suffered double whiplash. I was shocked. A few days later I received a letter from my insurance company stating I would be receiving compensation for the sum of £3,500 for my injuries. At the moment I thanked the universe because I asked and I received.
I also received a refund cheque from my energy company stating I was paying too much money for my gas supply. What a lovely surprise that was. I now don’t worry about anything at all.
My advice is to have faith and don’t give up x