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Believe And Receive, It Works!
Submitted by: Evelyn
Santa Rosa, CAI have usually been pessimistic about life. My husband heard about "The Secret" and suggested we read and follow it, so we gave it a try.
In early 2012, when I had a CAT scan done to check on a small kidney stone, the scan showed a spot on my lower left lung. I freaked out! I grew up in smoggy southern California and my husband was a heavy smoker until he quit in 1995, so I was exposed to all kinds of possible things that could cause lung cancer. I was so scared, but I also had read The Secret so it was time to put it into practice.
My doctor immediately scheduled another CAT scan, this time of my lungs. It was a long four days and nights waiting for that scan appointment.
My mind came up with all kinds of scary scenarios and any person could easily say that even if that spot was benign, it might require a biopsy to be absolutely sure.
I didn’t want cancer, a tumor (even if it was benign), or a biopsy. So, I pictured and played a scene in my mind of me getting a phone call from my doctor saying all was well, that there was no problem and no biopsy was needed. I played this over and over in my mind and said out loud that I believed and received this, thank you, Universe! Believing it, receiving it, and feeling it!
During this time, I woke up in the middle of the night and there was the fear, that I had cancer. Rather than try to suppress or ignore the fear, which seemed to make it worse, I just came right back at it, playing this scene in my mind of my doctor calling me and telling me all was well.
Finally, the day arrived for the second CAT scan. I had the scan done at 8:00 in the morning, then went in to work. 8:30 am, my cell phone rings with the doctor’s office number on caller ID. I answer it. My doctor immediately tells me, “Everything is okay, all is well, it’s is not a tumor, it is a scar from an old lung infection (I had a lung infection as a toddler), there is no need for a biopsy”, etc., etc. I almost fainted from happiness! I just sat there, with my head on my desk as I was so overwhelmed, on the phone with my doctor, saying “Wow!” over and over again. Wow!