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Beauty For Ashes, New Love.
Submitted by: Ms. Gachigo
Nairobi, KenyaI'm a product of prayer and gratitude. Building a strong financial foundation. Wife and mother to be.
I am so incredibly grateful that this knowledge crossed my path at the right time that it did. Thank you to Rhonda Byrne for passing this knowledge to us.
I have been able to manifest a few things like dinner here and there, but that is not the reason why I’m writing this. Late December, 2017, my then boyfriend broke up with me in what I would term a nasty way. We had dated for 6 months but I had grown so emotionally attached to him. This break up caused me so much pain and distress. For weeks I could not eat, I could not sleep. Days were long, Nights were long. And as much as I was surrounded by so much love from my family, I still felt alone and desolate. I was totally destroyed. I would cry myself to sleep each night and I would wake up a million times within a night. Life was hard. I suffered depression and I often had temper tantrums as I became emotionally unstable. Losing weight for me was always quite a challenge, but in one month I lost a whopping 12kgs without trying, because of stress. I felt this dark cloud hovering over my life. It got so painful that tears would trickle down my cheeks, even in public without me realizing it. It was so bad.
In an attempt to find a way to “get my boyfriend back” I bumped into The Secret. I read the book and started the practices. For five months, nothing happened. I started to think that it doesn’t work. I read more stories on this site and I realized this was not working is because of my own limiting beliefs, I wasn’t letting go. I made my intention to let go. I changed my practices from “xxxxx and I are in a happy relationship together” to “I want to be in a happy relationship with xxxxx or someone better”.
Letting go can be a challenge. It didn’t happen immediately but eventually I slowly started to let go. I strongly believed that I was worthy of love. Every time I saw a couple in a restaurant or in the streets or in a bus, I would look at them, feel gratitude towards them and feel as if that was me. I would thank God for them and ask God to forever bind their union. I would say, “God, thank you for their love, may you bind them forever” and I would later say to myself, “Very soon this will be me”. And I would feel so much relief. Every morning, I would thank God for beauty for ashes.
Yes. I had many suitors but I didn’t feel attracted to them. After the break up, I felt there was no other man for me in the world and that is why I wanted to get my ex back so quick. BTW, he had already moved on and was happy.
Now, around a month later after I had let go, I changed work teams and that was when I found my current love. It happened so fast. I met this guy who I was really attracted to and he was also attracted to me. We would exchange glances all day long and we later went on dates. Today, it is 3 months since we started dating and boy, I have never felt so loved. We are happy together! And what I feel in this relationship I had never felt anywhere else before. He adores me, he cherishes me and he loves me. I look at this man and I only now understand why it didn’t work out with my ex before. He’s everything I have ever wanted in a man. Every day I am so grateful for him and my amazing relationship with him. I’m grateful to God, to the Universe, to Rhonda, The Secret and The Magic for everything.
To anyone who is going through a heartbreak, it’s tough but I can assure you, it doesn’t last. Sooner or later you are going to be okay. Promise yourself to remain strong. Be your greatest cheerleader and assure yourself it’s gonna be okay. To anyone who could still be holding on to an ex, learn to let go and open yourself to love again. Maybe there is someone out there better than your ex. Have a mind that you want to be with your ex or someone better. If my ex came back now, I would not take him back because I’m exceedingly happy with who I have now and who I am.
Thank you God. With all my heart I’m sincerely grateful to you and to the Universe. Magic Dust to everyone.