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Back to a deep healthy sleep
Submitted by: Vania Ubg
BulgariaI am in my mid 30-ies, run my own business and married.
I am very happy that some friend told me about the movie called The Secret, it’s been very interesting and everybody should watch it.
First I couldn’t find the film, but I found the book, The Secret Daily Teachings and everything started changing for me. Since I lost my uncle 2 years ago, with whom I was very close, I could not sleep at night because of bad dreams and worrying every hour this 2 years, that worse can happen to me. I had pills, I met doctors, but nothing helped me.
After I started the book, I was back to normal, even better and I love and enjoy my life now with my family and friends so much more. I do not need any pills or therapy to live happy.
Thank you so much Rhonda. I wish you and your team all the best.