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Attracting The Man Of My Dreams After Giving Up.
Submitted by: Kamille
DenmarkA young woman who is starting to believe in herself and the miracles around her.
Thank you for telling the world about The Secret and letting us all know how a positive mindset, faith and a strong belief can change the world.
As a teenager I was obese and I felt very different from the rest of my classmates. I didn’t have the same interest as they did, I didn’t like their taste in music and couldn’t wear the same fancy clothes as they wore. At that time I didn’t know that different was good, so I hated myself. I remember several times having the urge to kill myself, but luckily I didn’t go through with it.
My love life was non-existing. I saw my friends get boyfriends and talk about love. I felt depressed and lonely. Why couldn’t this happen to me? I also wanted to feel happy and loved. But apparently you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you. So several years past in loneliness and self-hatred. I didn’t get a boyfriend before I was 18. In Denmark this is quite late. But I was more in love with the idea of having a boyfriend than in the man who had the title, so I broke up after two weeks.
Fast forward to 2017. I was now 24 and had not had a boyfriend since I was 18. I was about to give up. Even though I had lost weight and was slim, nothing happened in the area of love. After reading The Secret I wonder if I am doing something wrong. I have a great body and a great personality. Why is it so hard for men to love me? As a final attempt to find love, I start by giving love to myself. I read self-help books, stop criticizing myself and began to feel gratitude about my body and my life. I start to feel more happy and alive.
As my second task, I started to change my view on other people’s relationships. I had always hated seeing people holding hands, because I felt jealous and it reminded me of my own single life. Now I began thinking ‘Good for them’ and ‘They look happy’. Again I started to feel more joyful.
As my third task, I found pictures of how I wanted my love life to be. People holding hands, marriage, a man kissing his girlfriend on her forehead with love in his eyes and so on. I hang these pictures by my bed and sometimes I would look at them and imagine how this would feel if it happened to me.
After 6 months nothing happens. Of course I love myself more and feel more grateful, but there is still no man in my life. In my journal I write ‘I give up. If I am supposed to live my life alone, then so be it.’ A month later I find my perfect boyfriend in the most peculiar way. At an aqua fitness class. I hate water, but destiny led me to him. We have now been together more than three months and he loves to hold my hand and kisses me on my forehead, just like I imagined using the pictures.
If you would like to attract your soulmate, then start by loving yourself. If you can’t love yourself, how can anyone else? Also remember to think about what you do want, rather than what you are lacking. Lack attracts more lack, remember? I hope some day you will find you soulmate too. It can happen, even after several years of being single.