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Attracted 100 Million Rupiahs!!!
Submitted by: Yandi
Jakarta, IndonesiaI am A Male, Musician, 23 years Old, I Was Told About The Secret From My Cousin In 2008. It Changed My Life.
Before 2008 I was a really negative person, I complained about everything, I was insecure and very ungrateful about the things that I have attracted to my life.
But at 2008, my cousin Panji introduced me to The Secret. He himself has applied The Secret and now he is a young, wealthy entrepreneur who is already married to a beautiful wife and has an amazing life.
I myself started by practising gratitude and vizualizing my wants, goals, hopes and dreams. 2009 become a great year, I performed music with various famous musicians which occurred in ways I did not expect, such as a sudden phone call from a famous band manager, such as meeting important people from the music industry at unexpected places and etc. 2009-2011 was an amazing experience for my career in the music industry, and at 2012 I have met my ideal girlfriend and we are dating until now, we travel, have amazing beautiful moments and it was a blast!!!
This all happened because I applied The Secret, and the most recent and biggest accomplishment was I attracted 100 Million Rupiahs. I just realized that I put a paper on my dreamboard that I wrote 100 Million Rupiahs about 1 year ago. I had forgotten because I have been focusing on my other dreams. It came in an unexpected easy, flowing way.
One thing I learned about The Secret is when you ask, you will receive, you don’t have to figure out how it will manifest, how it will manifest is the job of the universe. You just have to feel good, be grateful, remember to remember and be aware of all the universe has been answering all along.