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Ask, Believe, Receive!!
Submitted by: Tarah
UKI am a 35 year old woman, married with one daughter. I am currently studying after 12 years of teaching! I have always been a believer of the LOA and it's power!
I have always believed in the power of the LOA. I’ve read The Secret and The Magic countless times and my favourite is listening to The Power in my car. The changes in my life have been phenomenal! I bought a new car, I bought my first house, got several dream jobs and married a perfect man because of my belief and gratitude.
I was able to quit my stressful teaching job and get a place in an amazing Forensic Science course in London, which is extremely competitive. Unfortunately it costs a lot of money to study and our household income was halved. Lately the money had been slowly decreasing and with it my anxiety was increasing.
Yesterday I received a message from my bank to say I was about to go overdrawn. I was instantly depressed. But then I came on here and read so many success stories and I started to believe again. I thought about all I have in my life and expressed deep gratitude for my blessings. I repeated that “I love money and money loves me”.
I decided to apply for an increase on my agreed bank overdraft and was instantly accepted for £4500!! It’s in my account today!! I believed and it worked. Now I can finish my studies stress free and I am so grateful!