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After 11 Years I Beat Depression
Submitted by: Tatyana
EuropeI'm a 25 year old girl engaged to the love of my life and happy and gratefull and at peace, FINALLY, after suffering from depression for 11 years.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Rhonda and her team. The Secret truly helped me beating depression and being grateful.
Right now I can honestly say I’m sooo happy! I’m engaged to the love of my life, we’ve been together for 4 years now. And I’m so happy and grateful I finally beat depression and I’m grateful again for just EVERYTHING in my life.
11 years of depression and panic attacks and feeling insecure of myself, 10 years of going to therapists and 1 year of taking antidepressants and I’m only 25.
I started to read The Secret in October and I read it in like 4 days. Every day after reading it I would feel hope again and I would feel this fire burning inside of me. I wanted to beat depression and just be a normal 25 year old girl and be able to enjoy my life.
And I don’t know, I guess I just had enough and decided I was going to do everything to be happy again. The Secret gave me this power, this confidence to fight depression. I realized I needed to be grateful in order to overcome depression, because I saw everything very negative and “everything was bad”, and I hated a lot of people for what they had done to me. I just needed to let go of that negativity because I was attracting more of it to me.
During that period my fiance and I had arguments every single day, he had enough of me being so negative and ungrateful (I understand that now). I always wanted to sleep and never wanted to go out. I had anxiety attacks if I just THOUGHT about going out, going shopping where there would be so many people. I thought everyone was going to look at me and gossip and say bad things about me. There were weekends my boyfriend would literally have to pull me out of bed at noon because I didn’t have the energy to get up. I just felt there was nothing for me to get up for.
So after have read The Secret I started to write down things I was grateful for and things I wanted to manifest/accomplish. I made a vision board and one of the things I put on it was beating depression and being happy.
Then I purchased the book The Magic and that’s actually when my fiance started to notice these changes.
I became a very positive person, I was full of energy, I started to look different at things, and I just FORGOT to take my antidepressants. When I first started to take those pills the doctor immediately said if I wanted to stop with those pills it’s very important to phase-out instead of just stop taking them. 4 months ago I just STOPPED for the first time, but without a phase-out and after just a week I fell deeper into depression. I felt like I was in a big black hole and couldn’t get out anymore.
But NOW I am doing 20 days without antidepressants and I feel GREAT. I feel really happy. It is like I am HIGH or something! I love this feeling of happiness and I am finally at peace with myself. My relationship with my fiance is better than ever and soon I will write another story on the other things I have manifested.
Hugs and kisses to all of you