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Achieved My Wishes!!
Submitted by: Kathan P.
Gujarat, IndiaA 14-year-old girl who is applying law of attraction in life and is awestruck by the results!!! :)
Over 2 weeks ago I had listed all my wanted wishes.
One of them was to get above 90% in all 5 subjects of the upcoming exams. I used to visualize every day that I had got the results and I hear my marks from the teachers. I imagined how everyone congratulates me and how I responded to the amazing marks by feeling ecstatic and thanking universe many times. Even on the outside I told everyone that this time I am going to get very good marks.
Another awesome thing on the list was that all the other small tests which we had to give before exams went really well and I got above 90% in those, too. This assured me that universe was going to fulfill my wish. I gained more and more faith through this.
The marks I got were:
English – 95/100
Math – 93/100
Biology – 94/100
Physics – 93/100
Chemistry – 93/100
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!! Hats off to Rhonda Byrne for sharing this life changing Secret!!!!