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Achieved My Perfect Weight With Positive Thinking.
Submitted by: Shanaya
IndiaI am an ardent believer of the LOA.
For the longest time that I can remember, I was extremely fit and athletic. However, during my 12th Grade, I started putting on weight because I was constantly stressing about my board exams and entrance tests. This stress led me to binge eat while I was studying! I was super inactive during this time and sadly, this weight stayed with me until my 7th semester at University. My parents were worried about me because not only was I obese but was also super unhealthy.
Then one day, on the 20th of September, I decided that no matter what happens, I had to be my perfect body weight of 48.70kgs. I had given myself 7 months because, at the end of 7 months, it would be my 22nd Birthday. I had decided that I would wear a pretty, pastel pink dress on my birthday and it would be a size ‘S’.
I started my journey towards my perfect body weight of 48.70 kgs with full belief. I set out a diet and workout plan. Each time before I would workout, I would look in the mirror and imagine myself in a size small, pretty pink dress. To act as a catalyst in this process, I also wrote affirmations. With this perfect blend of diet, working out and unwavering belief in the Universe, I achieved my dream bodyweight of 48.70 kgs! Thank you for The Secret!
I had full faith in the Universe and because of that, today I weigh 48.70 kgs. And yes, I wore a pretty pink dress in the size ‘S’ for my 22nd birthday!
Have faith guys and you can conquer the world.