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A small miracle of time and faith
Submitted by: Bryony
York, England17 year old so excited about my new life with the knowledge of The Secret
Just a little one to tell here. I was on my way home from school today and me and my Dad needed to pick up my prescription from the doctor’s. We were in the car and I had both my sister and my Dad telling me that we wouldn’t get to the doctor’s in time to pick it up, as we had rung on the way and the surgery had said, “Just be wary we close in five minutes.” I promised them that the surgery would be open, even though we were about 18 minutes away.
The clock kept ticking and my Dad kept saying it would be a wasted journey to pass home and go to the doctor’s to find it shut, but I believed that God and the Universe would deliver. Whenever I doubt something, I always remember Rhonda’s quote – here is the essence of it in different words: “If you doubt the Universe’s capability to deliver, just look around you and think of all of the things that the Universe has created, trees, animals, oceans, eco-systems, things that we call ‘man-made,’ and of course us.” We got to the surgery 20 minutes later and I had my prescription in my hand like I had visualised.
I know the Universe’s perfect timing is working for me on the biggest things, I do not feel lack of anything anymore, I am only feeling patient for my dreams to manifest. I cry with gratitude sometimes for so many things. I now love life, and what is better than that? If that is our ultimate goal to feel happy, then lack, ill health, low self-esteem, and disappointment cannot actually exist on the same “frequency” as happy, wealthy, healthy, confident, loving thoughts and a sustained, happy, grateful, loving disposition.
Thank you so much for bringing so much light into my life, it is truly amazing. The notion that we just “are” now seems ridiculous to me, there have to be things moving for us, and when we harness that favour, the favour of the entire Universe towards US as INDIVIDUALS, then we can experience as Rhonda says in The Magic “true heaven on earth.” Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you xxx