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A Perfect Substitute
Submitted by: Sarah
Fresno, CA24 year-old believer!!!
I have seen the movie The Secret, attracted many things, but since they were little I didn’t really experience the joy of accepting them until now. I have been a believer, but it was easier to think than do.
Let me just say that if it weren’t for The Secret or Rhonda Byrne I wouldn’t have the belief in myself or life that I do now. Last year I decided to go back to school (college). I had dropped out in 2008 because I didn’t think I was learning anything and at the time I didn’t care and I ditched a lot. It was easy to place the blame somewhere else. Well, as I registered I decided to utilize The Secret and decided that school was going to be easy. I said, “I’m going to get an A in every class.” So far, every semester since I got straight A’s. And believe me I love school now! Who’d have thunk it. So that’s just one of the many attractions I have recieved in the last year of using The Secret.
About a month ago, my iPhone was stolen from the girl’s bathroom. Someone needed it more than I did. Strangely enough I was only upset at first, but then immediately forgave them. I don’t even blame them, it’s an awesome phone! I understood that they didn’t have the privileges that I do. And I had a back up phone at the time that I had planned to give away not too long before. Something prevented that from happening!
I thought “well, Sarah why not use The Secret in this way again,” just yesterday. I started looking up pictures of iPhones on the internet and imagined that I was holding one in my hand and felt the happiness and peace of getting my phone back. But then I thought, well I really like my back up phone and I felt the gratefulness of having it. I sat there for about 5 minutes and smiled thinking “I really would love to have an iPod touch to substitute it for the time being since it’s pretty much the same thing.”
Today, I went to church with my best friend and in the middle of the sermon, she handed me her iPod touch, that she usually let me borrow it every Sunday so that I could use the Bible app. Even then it didn’t hit me. I jokingly told her, “how much do you want for it?” Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to pay her for it right then. She said, “Actually, you can have it until you get your iPhone back!” I started crying at the joy I felt for this friend of mine.
Now it may seem small, but it just proved to me much more that if it feels plausible and attainable and there’s nothing to tell you it won’t happen. This was a big reminder to me that not just everyone else’s story works better than mine, I just was passing the impossible because as much as I wanted it, I wasn’t believing that it could be that easy. I am so certain that in a very short time you will see another story of mine explaining the joy I have experienced for getting $10,000 dollars that I have asked for from God and the Universe!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! Keep believing! And believe everyday!